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To search for a company, simply go to the companies page and type in the name of the company, its SIRET number (14 digit number) or its SIREN number (9 digit number).
Pour rechercher un dirigeant d’entreprise il vous suffit de vous rendre sur la page dirigeants et de taper le nom la personne dont vous souhaitez rechercher les informations.
Company data is updated daily to provide you with accurate legal information.
L’accès aux fiches entreprises et dirigeants est gratuit, cependant l’accès à certaines informations telles que le rapport KYC ou l’analyse de solvabilité, nécessitent d’avoir un compte Infoportail actif.
This tool is reserved for professionals only. To access the platform and all the tools, simply go to the price list page, click on I subscribe and fill in your banking information.
Votre abonnement mensuel est à tacite reconduction. Afin de l’annuler il vous suffit de vous rendre la page de résiliation pour le faire de manière immédiate ou de contacter l’équipe support Infoportail.

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Vous pouvez également contacter l’équipe support Info Portail ou le faire directement sur la page suivante.

The SIRENE status notice refers to an identity card that gathers legal information about a company. Similar to the Kbis, it can be considered as the company's identity card. On the other hand, it has no legal value. This means that it cannot replace the Kbis. The latter remains the official document necessary for many administrative procedures.

This document is issued by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, better known by the acronym INSEE.

The INSEE status notice allows to find a company or a professional establishment in the SIRENE directory. It proves to be of great importance for the market study. As part of the process of creating a company, it is possible to look for the SIRENE status notice of another company to analyze the competition. In this way, you will obtain important information about companies that operate in the same industry as you. The data collected then facilitates the adoption of the best business strategy.

When you are interested in information about other companies, you can contact them as a partnership or exchange of services.

The SIRENE status notice contains, among other things, the date of registration in the INSEE directory. There are also two identification numbers: SIREN and SIRET. The document also mentions the legal form of the company, its APE code and the physical address of its head office. Not to mention the identity of the company director.

This document concerns all companies, regardless of legal status. Since May 2021, it becomes available for auto-entrepreneurs.

Thanks to the internet, it is easy to obtain the SIRENE status notice of your company.

You can download it by going to the Infoportail file of the desired company. To do this, search for the company with its corporate name, its SIRET or its SIREN by clicking here.

You can also obtain it by going to the INSEE platform to fill out a form. Make sure you have your SIREN number or SIRET number to make your request

The articles of incorporation refer to a document of legal value that governs the life of a company. They present the organization and functioning of a company, including the management.

When the company gathers partners, the legal articles of association define the relationships between these personalities: rules of majority, rules of transfer of shares, general meetings, etc.

The articles of association prove to be of great importance to third parties, individuals or professionals, thanks to useful information. It is possible to expose the data recorded in the Kbis extract to the public, customers, suppliers and business partners.

The drafting of the statutes of company proves to be inescapable. In order to avoid legal blockages on the creation of a company, it is recommended to respect the instructions on the mandatory information to be specified.

First of all, it is necessary to put forward the basic information on the legal status. This is the corporate form (SA, SAS, SARL, EURL, etc). Then specify the company name, the date of the end of the financial year and the duration of the company.

To better inform third parties, including competitors, you should mention the amount of the share capital (generally greater than 1 euro) and the physical address of the registered office. Finally, advance the identity of the partners and shareholders, presenting their respective contributions as well as their contributions in the social capital.

Once the data is complete, it is advisable to join the Clerk of the Commercial Court to move on to the application for registration of the company. Additional information may be required for companies wishing to adopt a legal status of SA, SCS and SARL.

The Kbis refers to the identity card of a legal entity, registered in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS). It is an official document ordered from the Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce.

This extract is the only official document that proves the legal existence of a company. Whatever the legal status of the company, obtaining the Kbis is possible after registration with the RCS. The document remains valid for 3 months after its date of issue.

The Kbis is useful to prove the legal existence of a company to suppliers, business partners and various organizations. This official document is of great importance in the context of several important steps for the company. For example, the act is mandatory when creating a bank account in the name of your company. The same applies to the purchase of furniture, computer equipment and products for professional use from suppliers.
The Kbis extract presents complete information on a company. The document first displays the registration data: registration date, SIREN number, SIRET number, APE code, company name and certification date. It puts forward the clerk's office to which the company belongs. It also indicates the physical address of the registered office, the acronym and the amount of the share capital. The Clerk of the Commercial Court also registers in the Kbis the legal representatives.

You can order your kbis extract directly from this page by searching for the desired company.

You can also physically reach the office of a commercial court clerk. Otherwise, make an online request by visiting the website In a few clicks, you will obtain a certified and original act of your own company.

When creating a company, the KBIS extract is available after 3 to 7 days after the application for registration at the RCS.

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